Reached school at 9am today eventhough my lesson only starts at 12pm.
Met up with Hon to do Tribon's exercises and she did something really funny today!
haha, gonna laugh my head off soon. Here it goes ...
There is a lonely and tired girl ( ok, let's name her Girl A ) sitting on the chair waiting for a friend ( Girl B ).
Girl A sent Girl B a text and asked if she's reaching school soon.
Girl B replied : "taking shuttle bus ... few stops away from school ..."
Well, Girl A just keep sitting down and wait.
Finally, Girl B reached school!
And she couldn't recognise Girl A from behind and so, she kept walking towards the next table.
Girl A was very puzzled and at the same time, laughing out loud inside.
Girl B almost woke a girl up ,who is sitting opposite of Girl A, thinking that's her laying her head down on the table.
Girl B hesitated and thinking, " Eh? She doesn't look like Sin Ni leh."
She looked damn lost, and Girl A started laughing and laughing.
Cause' Girl B was just behind her!
And she didn't even notice her!
I reckon Girl B is still sleep-walking.
Am I right, Hon ? :D
Lastly, I took back my NA2's and SOM's results. Pretty satisfied with my results :) and a little unexpected too. Gonna get back PM's result tomorrow. Hopefully, it's as good as the rest of my results :D
Something's amiss. How and why?