Thursday, August 20, 2009

Today and recently

I wanna do some updates so here I am.

Last Saturday, went to meet up RongMing and Cam for a catch-up session.
Had a lot of fun talking to them and mentioning the moments we've shared.
RongMing shared quite a number of spooky encounters that happened in the army camp.
It's scary lah! Especially when I was listening to it in the middle of the night.
Anyway, RongMing brought us to a 24-hr bistro (Backyard) somewhere near Little India station.
I love their Hawaiian pizza :) and their vodka-ribena wasn't bad too.
Stayed until about 1.20am before leaving for home.

Last Sunday, Dad brought us to a famous fish steamboat at Beach Road.
The soup was superb! I'd love to go back again despite the long wait :D

Monday, I went to book my 2nd TP 'cause I've canceled the 1st one due to schedule problem.
I'm going to have exam on the same day so I got no choice. It's very upsetting though.
In the end, I have to wait for 5 months for my TP. Just my luck :(
Intended to watch Where Got Ghost? at AMK Hub however tickets were all sold out for that particular time-slot we wanted to catch.
Then we went to check out the bubble tea from Koi Cafe somewhere near S-11.
Their milk tea not bad but it's a little expensive to drink.

Tuesday, rushed to school for a FYP. Was a little late 'cause I was caught up with something but in the end we couldn't start early 'cause we couldn't find the staff to open the computer lab for us. So we seeked help from Ngoh and finally we've got someone to open the door for us.
Didn't really like how today ended :(

Wednesday, decided to catch Where Got Ghost? at The Cathay.
Hilarious movie with some frightening scenes = hormedy
I grabbed JT's hands so hard till he complaint lah. HAHA! I'm so sorry baby.
I was a bit scared lah so I grabbed his hands to cover my vision :D
Not bad for an entertaining movie if you understand hokkien if not you might as well not waste your money on the movie ticket :)
After that, we left for JT's place before his parents bring us out for dinner.
We had Taiwan porridge at Changi road.
Nice dinner but a tad expensive though.

Today, I had a small revision for Offshore Engineering with JT.
My brain couldn't really adjust to study mode yet. Haha.
So I did only a few theory-based questions.

Going school for FYP again tomorrow.
Hope things will go on smoothly.

I'll stop here.