Friday, January 30, 2009

Reunion dinner day !

We had sumptuous dinner at a Changi seafood restaurant :)
After that, we went over to Ray's new place.
They moved in to a condominium at Marine Parade and the view is quite beautiful except that the apartment is a little small.

Was waiting for my dad to get ready

At the restaurant waiting to lau yu sheng

It gets very messy with so many hands

Ray's place
See that basket full of small madarin oranges ?
They are really nice to eat :)

Aunty Stacy with my sis at the balcony

My sis, me, Ray and Aunty Stacy

Jace, Clarissa and my sis

My sis can't resist to take photo with Ray's phone and she flooded his phone with our pictures, haha.
My sis, me, Aunty Stacy and Nigel

We have the same smile, don't we ?

My sis took this

My mum and Aunty Stacy
The funniest and hip mums I've known so far :)

Never gets bored with his phone

Now, she added frames!

Alright, that's all.
Will be working later so I have to skip school.
Got no choice, I have to have this 3 consecutive days training.
If I pushed it to later weeks, I can't work already.
Exam is coming, attachment follows after that.
Oh well, I may feel guilty but there's no other way.

Hope you guys have a wonderful weekend ahead :)

You're like an Indian summer in the middle of the winter
Like a hard candy with a surprise center