Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Oh well, just cherish the time I have with my loved ones 'cause life's too short to bother about unneccessary things.
Will be having double date later :) It's been long since I go for a double date.
I promise there will be a hell lots of photos up the next day :D
Alright, let's welcome 2009 with a great hope! New year, new hope, new life :)
HAPPY NEW YEAR in advance!!
Monday, December 29, 2008
My 'new' body clock is killing me by preventing me not to sleep before 4am!
I'm feeling super tired :( and I can't sleep. What the -.-
Alrights, I'm going to spill some random thoughts into this post now.
I want to go back to the 'land of smiles' !
It'll feel great if I get some getaway once in a while :)
Moreover, I haven't visit my relatives, especially my beloved grandma, for about 2 years.
And I'm feeling guilty right now, you know. It sucks.
Counting down 5 days to mark our 1st year anniversary ! :D
Ooooh, I can't wait. I really can't.
Is it me or time ? Why is it I'm here in just a blink of the eye ?
We have not exactly plan our celebration for that day 'cause it seems like we have some financial obstacles that is stopping us to plan what we really want on saturday.
Oh well, just go with the flow.
I have a new hobby now - blog-shopping !
It's getting addictive to shop through blogs 'cause you might never know what kind of great steal you'll gonna have after you've found one.
And the items they've put up for sale is relatively much cheaper than those you see in retail shops.
Time check - 3.47am
Damn, I just hurt my naval and it really hurts like hell now !
Thinking of revamping my closet ... should I ?
If only I'm rich ~ sigh
I started to feel that this post is getting crappy :/
Remember the famous animated movie - Mulan ?
Any impression to one if its soundtracks - Reflection by Christina Aguilera ?
Oh dear, the song's stucked in my head ever since 90.5FM played this beautiful melody in the gym just now.
Time check - 3.54am
Ok, I think it's time for me to stop this horrendous post from going.
Goodnight :D
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Well, met up with some of my sister's company, her bf's clique and Cam for a chill-out session at a pub in Serangoon Gardens.
Atmosphere was kind of weird 'cause there are like so many strangers.
I prefer hanging out with a gang of people whom I know well, so for the whole night I talked to Cam the most.
Lucky for me, I have her :)
X'mas doesn't feel like X'mas at all. I don't know, but I just couldn't feel all the festive joy.
This year's X'mas kind of sucks as compared to last year's.
At least I get to drink the tastiest mushroom soup ever last year's X'mas, and I really mean it!
Before heading out
Look at those clowns
This photo is the best 'cause it'll ward off bad spirits.
Haha, I'm joking :P
In the pub
Despite those glares, we still love each other very much right Qing Ai De ? :D
Cheers to you!
Cam and I decided to have red wine instead 'cause we didn't feel like having hard liqeur.
The rest drank their fill with Chivas plus mixers
Good for us, we finished the whole bottle we've ordered.
I don't know what's with her dao face
ShiHui, Cam, Sin Ni, Sin Wei :)
I caught Twilight today!
Vampires are so cool~
Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) is so charming!
Bella Swan appears to be looking grumpy and full of thoughts to me all the time throughout the movie. Doesn't makes me feel easy watching the movie.
Overall, I think it's not bad just that it may be a little draggy and it lacks of enough storyline for this movie.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
JT had his haircut in town yesterday and we waited for more than 2 and a half hours to get his hair done.
Well, everyone wants to look good on X'mas.
In the meantime, I shopped for a x'mas gift for an exchange during girlfriends' meet-up.
I bought 50 candy canes and I bet Gen is going to have a very sweeeeeet X'mas :)
Photos up!
Cam-whored a little before heading out :D
He never fails to strike this pose
While waiting for Tine and Jol to arrive, Val thought of scaring them.
Haha, they did it and the results turned out to be pretty priceless :D
Standing by in action
But I'm not going to show you :P
Alright, that's all!
Meeting Cam at around 5.30pm later for dinner and chill-out, counting down to X'mas.
My boyfriend's not going to celebrate X'mas with me :(
Well, his cousins' birthday is today and tomorrow he's going to his aunt's place for X'mas celebration.
Be back soon for update.
Happy Holidays and Merry Merry Merry X'mas :D
Monday, December 22, 2008
We've been planning this for quite a long time already and we finally visited Hon's family fish farm.
It was a great getaway from the urban area and it was very relaxing sitting down fishing and enjoying the sea breeze :)
I'd love to go back again!
Nice knowing Hon's friend, XiuHui :)
On the way to the farm
Hon's grandpa gave us a ride
He's behind them, haha
JT and I
Rabbit adopted by the family
Hon showed us around the farm.
The farm is pretty big and they breed huge numbers of fish, especially Milkfish.
This bucket of powdery thingy is for baby fish to eat
Our lunch!
See that plate full of mussels ? :D
Oh, the fish taste very fresh :)
The first catch of the day!
The bait had the fish on after a few seconds.
HuiHong is super lucky.
Her gleeful smile
Hon removing the fish from the bait
I've never seen a fish like this before
HuiHong and I were getting impatient fishing then we just sat there enjoying the cooling sea breeze :):)
Another fish caught by Hon
'gao kia' :D Adorable dog
If this is what I want, I'll try my best to get it
Saturday, December 20, 2008
I'm super glad now~
Some loads off my shoulder i guess ?
Plus I really missed them when they were away.
Was going out with Cam yesterday and I realise I haven't been taking photos for a very long time.
So, here I am :D
A very random one actually :/
Here goes...
A sleepover last night at JT's place and he was just lying beside me.
We were both feeling very tired after such a long day.
Before we go into our lala land, we had a casual pillow-talk.
Talk till halfway, he fell asleep -.-
Then I stop talking.
I was facing him and vice versa.
All along, I knew about him sleep-talking (even over the phone).
And I love that he has this 'ability' to sleep-talk 'cause you can expect all sorts of funny things from him.
Out of nowhere,
"What was I saying... So..."
*Stare blankly*
"That indian man, that security guard..."
"Huh?" Reacting blurly, even though I know what's happening.
"That indian security guard..."
"What he do ?" Starts grinning and laughing loudly inside.
"He checked for onion..."
O.O "and what?" still don't want to give up.
"and ginger... and also cucumber..."
I cannot stand it then I burst into laughter!
Oh my, how interesting can this get :D
Super classic!
JT was waken up by my laughter and then I told him what he said.
He even laughed at himself.
What a funny moment!
Ahhh, I'm going to miss it :(
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
I was catching LA Ink and Miami Ink just now on Travel&Living channel and I was wondering if I can trust local tattoo artists in getting the perfect tattoo for myself.
JT was telling me that he kind of not trust the skills of local tattooists.
'Cause he've seen many tattoos not very nicely done here.
Somehow I agree with him.
I don't know. Perhaps not all of them are that bad.
Well, I'll definitely trust the tattooists from LA Ink or Miami Ink :)
It may sound crazy, but I seriously don't mind flying over to get myself a tattoo from them.
If ... I'm rich enough to afford the tickets to Miami or LA :D
Damn, I'm broke!
X'mas is around the corner and I wonder how I can get through it :(
There's gathering with the girlfriends, potluck at Yvonne's, plans with Cam, and celebration with the family.
I'm going to die man :(
Please let me strike 4D !!
Few days back, I had steamboat with JT and family :D
It was great! I miss having dinner with my family :( Ok, random :/
We were all very full after dinner and hence, they decided to have a walk at Henderson Waves.
It was my first time going there and the structure and lightings are gorgeous!
You've got to walk there some day with your loved ones, it'll be a very pleasant walk :)
Provided it doesn't rain and there's light breeze~
Got to stop here, if not JT's going to nag again !
Anyway, a quick update here.
Common test is over :D
And my pimples are happily popping out :(
Now, I have to get back all the sleep I've lost during revisions.
With extra help from masks~
I hope it will go away soon :D
I've got to say I'm super duper glad when JT is around :)
Especially when my parents aren't around.
There's so much things I've got to do at home.
Lucky enough for me, he's always there to give a helping hand.
If not, I wonder how I can 'survive'.
Love you JT :D
Can't wait till my parents and Yun to come back to SG.
I miss them so much!
Life is hell without them at home :(
I wish I can update more but I ran out of things to say.
Haha, never mind.
Till then!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Upcoming wednesday : EM3B tutorial quiz 3, Marine Industry Safety test
Upcoming thursday : Thermodynamics quiz 1
Next tuesday : EM3B common test
Next thursday : CADCAM test
Next friday : Marine Engineering common test
Next saturday : Thermodynamics common test
What the hell, saturday leh. Weekend still have test :(
Too bad, next monday is Hari Raya Haji so common test schedule is delayed by one day.
Anyway, saw Hon's new hair today!
She definitely looks great with that rebonded hair :D
Hmm, I wonder how long will I have to wait for my hair to grow to the length I had before.
Long hair is more versatile than short hair.
Clothes are so much more easier to match with long hair.
Sigh, my hair faster grow leh!
Okay, shan't talk so much.
Need to study for Marine Industry Safety and EM3B already :)